Violentheart is a former professional Quake 4 player, designer & investor. Uncle Had is a graphic designer, stream QA & level designer. nAeb is a web designer, programmer & stream QA. RedEyesGreenDragon is a videographer. Flambeau is an admin for Zdaemon & host of Talking Doom w/ Flambeau. Together, these fine folks with their diverse skillsets make up a large portion of the goings on at In The Keep. We’re doing a lengthy retrospective on episodes 1-99, discussing the future of ITK & going on long tangents about whatever we feel like because we can! If you wanna know what it’s like to hang out in the In The Keep Discord in the middle of the night… here ya go!
In The Keep Podcast – #100 Part 2: Violentheart, Uncle Had, nAeb, RedEyes-GreenDragon, Flambeau (In The Keep)
1 min read